Splurge or Save?

When it comes to budgeting, knowing where to splurge and where to save can be difficult. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is worth the extra money and, especially when you’re on a strict budget, splurging can seem excessive. There are, however, some things that you should spend the extra money on no matter your budget. And sometimes treating yourself to something a little out of your price range just feels good.

Skin Products
Your skin is for life, so it’s important to take care of it now. Find a skin care product that works best for you, and don’t be afraid to spend more. Splurge on it now and you’ll be happy you did for years to come!

Hair Products
You do a lot with your hair; dye it, perm it, tie it up, and style it with heat, all of which are damaging to it. Hair products will help keep your hair from damage and keep it soft and smooth. Especially if you have treated hair, splurging may be your best option. Less expensive products may help a little, but splurging on quality products will keep your hair healthier and stronger.

Work Basics
Work clothes are an important part of your wardrobe and, while you can certainly wear some less expensive clothes, work basics are going to be where you splurge. In the end you’ll be happy you splurged on an expensive, well-made blazer rather than having to replace a cheap one over and over. Splurge on your staple items, including blazers, pants, skirts, and a few nice shirts. They’ll last longer and look better, and will be well worth the extra money.

Good Shoes
There are few more important things than good shoes. Good heels, good running shoes, good walking shoes. Buy a good pair of sturdy, comfortable heels, and supportive shoes for days you are on the go or on your feet for long periods of time. Go to a quality shoe store and get sized and fitted, and spend the extra money to keep your feet healthy. Buy supportive shoes now and your body will thank you later.

Those $300 designer glasses sure are pretty, but the $20 knockoffs look just as good and protect your eyes just the same. Plus, sunglasses have a nasty habit of getting lost or broken quickly, and you won’t be as heartbroken when your inexpensive glasses need to be replaced. If you’re on a budget, this is one place to save your money.

You definitely want a sturdy purse that will hold all of your belongings without falling apart, but after a certain point the price just gets excessive. A $50 purse will last you a few years and continue to look great, so there’s no reason to go overboard on a more expensive bag.

Especially when you’re on a budget, splurging on purchases can be difficult. It’s easier to buy cheap and save money in the now, but there are some items where splurging is necessary. Splurging now will save you trouble later, helping keep your skin and hair healthy, or keeping your feet and body from pain on long days out. Remember the long term when making purchases—if a product be beneficial in the future, it may be good to splurge. If not, save your hard-earned cash!

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